Echo Cliffs Health Care facility Dekker Design

The $250 million Echo Cliffs Health Care Facility will significantly improve healthcare access for the Bodaway-Gap Chapter and nearby communities. ETD, Inc., a Navajo-owned environmental consulting firm, supported this essential project by preparing an Environmental Assessment (EA) and a Supplemental EA. These assessments ensured environmental compliance and advanced critical infrastructure for the facility. A Facility That Meets Critical Needs for…

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New home on Tribal land

HUD funds New Homes in Native Communities through NAHASDA and Section 184 Loans For over 40 years, the Southwest Indian Foundation (SWIF) has been providing assistance to the “poorest of the poor” in desert southwest reservation areas (SWIF, 2021). One of SWIF’s programs includes new housing, which is funded through U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD)’s Native American Housing and…

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