From 2022 to June 2024, ETD, Inc. collaborated with the Navajo Nation Water Rights Commission (NNWRC) to secure the Northeastern Arizona Indian Water Rights Settlement, a monumental agreement that guarantees the Navajo Nation 44,700 acre-feet per year (AFY) of Upper Basin Colorado River water and $243 million for critical water infrastructure. This settlement is a key achievement in securing long-term water security for the Navajo Nation, a necessity for sustaining the Nation’s communities and promoting future development.
ETD played a critical role in ensuring the success of this settlement by leading a comprehensive public engagement strategy. This effort was crucial because previous settlement attempts, including the 2012 proposal, failed due to insufficient public involvement and outreach. That attempt was rejected after community concerns were not properly addressed, underscoring the importance of meaningful public consultation. ETD’s approach, which emphasized transparency, education, and participation, was essential in avoiding the pitfalls of the past.

As part of this public engagement, ETD coordinated and attended over 40 public meetings across the Navajo Nation, even reaching remote areas like Black Mesa. These meetings facilitated dialogue between community members and decision-makers, addressing concerns and ensuring that the public was fully informed about the settlement. Additionally, ETD produced weekly radio forums in both English and Diné Bizaad (Navajo language), ran newspaper ads, and developed educational materials, including high-quality videos and maps. These efforts not only informed the public but also captured their input through a comprehensive record of public comments and questions.
A major feature of the settlement is the planned Iiná bá – Paa Tuwaqat’si Pipeline, formerly known as the Western Navajo Pipeline, which will provide critical water infrastructure to communities across the Navajo Nation. The funding secured through the settlement will enable the construction of this and other projects, ensuring sustainable water access for generations to come.
The Northeastern Arizona Indian Water Rights Settlement is significant because it resolves long-standing disputes over water rights in the Colorado River Basin and related regions. This settlement ensures the Navajo Nation’s legal entitlement to water resources while providing the financial means to develop infrastructure needed to deliver that water to Navajo communities. It represents a hard-fought victory for the Navajo people, achieved through extensive negotiation and, crucially, through the public engagement efforts led by ETD, Inc.
Furthermore, ETD, Inc. produced press releases, educational materials, and launched a new website ( to serve as a central hub for information. By creating a new website for the NNWRC and managing educational outreach efforts, ETD ensured that the lessons from previous settlement attempts were learned, laying the foundation for a transparent and informed process. This success will positively impact the Navajo Nation’s water security and economic future, marking a milestone in the protection of Tribal water rights.