ETD, Inc. has taken a leading role in shaping the future of Flagstaff through its work on the Flagstaff Regional Plan 2045. Partnering with Cascadia Partners, ETD is helping ensure that the voices shaping Flagstaff’s growth are as diverse as the community itself. The plan isn’t just about mapping the city’s future infrastructure—it’s about creating a shared vision for the challenges that lie ahead, from population growth to climate change, housing, and beyond.
ETD’s contributions have been instrumental in making sure that the city’s residents are at the heart of the planning process. Hosting and facilitating public meetings, ETD created welcoming spaces where citizens could actively participate in discussions about their city’s future. Their work in developing graphics and promotional materials ensured that information about the Regional Plan was accessible and engaging, sparking community interest and involvement.
One of the most impactful aspects of ETD’s outreach has been its focus on historically underrepresented voices. Recognizing the importance of capturing a wide range of perspectives, ETD’s efforts reached Native American youth, Spanish-speaking residents, and included plans to engage the unhoused population. By intentionally targeting these groups, ETD made sure that voices often left out of public planning were part of shaping Flagstaff’s path forward.
At the center of the engagement process is the Face The Future Flagstaff game, developed by Cascadia Partners, which offers a creative and interactive way for residents to engage with city planning. The game simulates real-world challenges, encouraging participants to make decisions about housing, climate impacts, and city infrastructure. The data gathered from these game sessions is then used to inform Flagstaff’s long-term strategies for growth. ETD has played a key role in promoting and facilitating this innovative tool, ensuring that the game reaches as many people as possible.
ETD’s work on the Flagstaff Regional Plan 2045 exemplifies their commitment to inclusive public engagement. By blending creativity with practical solutions, they have created a platform for Flagstaff residents to envision their city’s future together. As Flagstaff prepares for the challenges of 2045, the voices gathered through ETD’s efforts will help guide the city’s development in a way that reflects its community’s diverse needs and values.
For ongoing updates, visit the Flagstaff Regional Plan 2045 official website: